January: My Month In Review | Wrap-Up & Highlights

Hey everyone! Welcome to my fifth (?) edition of wrapping up my month and talking about my personal life as well. Here we go!

what’s been happening in my [real] life?

January was the best month for me so far since September. First of all: I barely went to school. Which is DIRECTLY related to my happiness. Even though I had midterms and tests during January, I barely went to school and I had a lot of time to myself for reading and self-care, etc. I know I haven’t written a post since a week–but I have posts awaiting you guys. I just never got around to posting them. 🙂

Even though one day I felt extremely burnt out because I had worked so hard for two tests and did not receive the score I wanted, all in all January was a good month for me. Something that happened to me that was part real/part social was that I decided to take a break from bookstagram.

I don’t know if you saw, but about a week ago I went “private” on my bookstagram which I had recently reached 5k on. The reason is actually really sad; and I explained it in more detail on my account if you were following me before I went private. But in short, me and a few of my other friends were cat-fished by a fake account. (This fake account was also on WordPress, but he mostly posted on Instagram and acted as a fake girl named Codie.) Long story short, that really scared me. And I realized I needed a break. I had really started obsessing over Instagram, and now I realize that it wasn’t healthy: I hope that by going on a hiatus, it’ll reunite my love for Instagram. I also hope I stop obsessing over which isn’t really…well REAL. I know my blog is the same way, but my blog is more of my ranting and writing with a passion side, so I don’t really obsess over it. (Which is good. And healthy.)

what’s been happening on my blog?

Because I didn’t have so much school, I also had the opportunity to blog more. These were my blog posts this month:

I think that’s a pretty good number of blog posts!

what about bookish updates/wrap-ups?

Even though I only read 3 books, all three were phenomenal and I loved all of them. I also bought four books, although one of them hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. The books I read were:

I ADORED each and every one of these, but if I had to choose a favorite it would be Six of Crows. I wrote about it on Goodreads, which I’ll post on here very soon. ❤ But don’t get me wrong–I gave all of these books 5 stars!

january highlights

Well, like I said: books were definitely a highlight. Another highlight was NO SCHOOL! Even though I didn’t have much to talk about January, I hope you guys had an exciting month. Let’s hope February is as well as January for me!

What were your favorites of the month? Let me know!


my social medias: // goodreads // instagram // tumblr // questions? contact me: aloofbooks@gmail.com


10 thoughts on “January: My Month In Review | Wrap-Up & Highlights

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about the catfishing, and I hope the situation is under control now. It’s incredibly scary what some people will do. 😦 And I hope you get your love for instagram back, too! It’s so super easy to obsess over social media.

    That being said, I’m super happy you like TWATD! That book was one of my favourite reads last year. 🙂

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